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Thread: Dalton Forum General Posting Rules

  1. #1

    Default Dalton Forum General Posting Rules

    Dalton Forum General Posting Rules

    1. Read the Rules, ignorance is no excuse.
    2. Respect EVERYONE, no personal attacks will be tolerated.
    3. Your posts should be the same as if you were speaking to someone that was directly in front of you.
    4. No Political, Racist or Religious posts.
    5. No Porno.
    6. No Cross Forum Bashing.
    7. Fill in your "profile".
    8. We reserve the right to alter, edit, or remove your post entirely if it is deemed offensive or subversive.
    9. Users are limited to ONE username per person/account. Those who attempt to sign-up with more than one username/account and post under an alias will be BANNED.
    10. If you have a problem/dispute with any member of DFC, take it private. This Forum is for knife collecting, not personal problems.
    11. Dalton Forums does not endorse forgeries, and will not condone knock-offs. Any for sale/trade threads with items deemed as clones will be removed.
    12. Before you sell or buy a knife on this forum, please make an introduction post. Let your fellow forum members know where you have been, other forums, ebay etc. Also, please make sure your profile includes your email address.
    13. No "trolling"- posting controversial messages with the intent of baiting other users to reply. Your posts will be removed if we see you posting unhelpful or non-contributing messages.
    14. No "spamming" -- No advertisements, or referral links to other sites or services, unless approved beforehand by the mod. team.

    Follow these simple rules and HAVE FUN, ENJOY THE SITE. Any suggestions or problems can be forwarded to a Forum moderator.

    Thank you for your cooperation,
    DFC Mod Team
    Last edited by Honch0; 04-05-2010 at 09:43 PM. Reason: update

  2. #2


    Please note the Rules Update:

    11. Dalton Forums does not endorse forgeries, and will not condone knock-offs. Any for sale/trade threads with items deemed as clones will be removed.

  3. #3


    Please note rule update:

    12. Before you sell or buy a knife on this forum, please make an introduction post. Let your fellow forum members know where you have been, other forums, ebay etc. Also make sure your profile includes your email address.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Where rivers burn


    Jeez, more rules. Common sense for most, but must be posted for a select few.

    13. No "trolling"- posting controversial messages with the intent of baiting other users to reply. Your posts will be removed if we see you posting unhelpful or non-contributing messages.
    14. No "spamming" -- No advertisements, or referral links to other sites or services, unless approved beforehand by the mod. team.

  5. #5


    What if I mention doing the transaction through paypal? is that advertising/spamming?

  6. #6


    Paypal is a universally accepted method of transacting business. As such, it is not Spam. Now, if you were advertising Paypal for your personal gain, that would be Spam. I hope this clarifies your understanding of Spam...Al

  7. #7


    May seem like dumb question but where do I post an introduction......

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Where rivers burn


    Quote Originally Posted by Brettnz View Post
    May seem like dumb question but where do I post an introduction......!-Who-Are-You

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