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Thread: dogface Dolton DE for sale left handed rare

  1. #31



    I have read conflicting things and frankly if I end up selling I would like to understand the rules very clearly. Maybe one of authority can weigh in on my questions below.

    1)If a seller posts knife and gets an e-mail with a time stamp from a buyer who did not post on the forum and that e-mail time stamp is before the time stamp from someone who posted on the forum “I’ll take it” then the forum post “I’ll take it” trumps even though PM was time stamped before forum?

    - In short which one wins and is “Buyer #1? Forum buyer or E-mail buyer?

    2) Same case as #1 but the forum post says something different like “PM Sent” or asks for condition or something and an earlier e-mail states “I’ll take it”. What are my obligations if any to the forum guy who posted “PM sent” vs. earlier e-mail guy?

    3) How about if “Buyer #1” as determined by above rules wants to see pics before buying? Or asks about condition? Or is slow to send money? How long as a seller am I obligated to work with “Buyer #1”? and must I post to forum before moving to Buyer #2?
    As a corrective action one might consider drafting a buying/selling code and posting it to prevent this from occurring in the future.

    Professor Marc

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Where rivers burn


    It's really not rocket science professor, ultimately it is up to the seller. We cannot control who the seller decides to sell to in the end. We do place are members to high standards and expect them to be honest and have some integrity. This is not an auction site, once a price is set by the seller, the knife doesn't go to the highest bidder. The more details you give in your for sale post the less drama we will have. For example- state US sales only, first I'll take, time stamp trumps all.

    This for sale post is a total fail
    As I have read the left handed dogface dalton is very rare and I have come to aquire one and would like to sell. $500. Contact for picture as I csnt seem to figure out how to post one
    Seller is a Newb and obviously did not read the for sale rules first No payment options, no pictures, etc. Instead of bitching about it help a new guy out, Mods are not online 24/7. Do we want to scare new members away? I did see a brief intro post he filled his profile in. Let's cut the guy some slack, so he fucked up, but he made things right. I've lost count on how many knives I've wanted and missed out on because I wasn't quick enough on the draw, best thing to do at that point is take seconds in case the first deal falls threw.

    I've seen for sale posts were seller says he has the right to refuse to sell to whomever he chooses. If you contribute to the forum and are not a douche bag, you shouldn't have to many problems with being refused.

    Now if the members would like us to moderate every for sale post before the community can see it, I'd be more than happy too. Just be aware not only am I a mod, but also a collector.

    Disclaimer: None of my comments a meant to make anyone feel butt hurt. ILK

  3. #33


    As Einstein stated "The whole of science is nothing more than a refinement of everyday thinking." So in a way everything is rocket science if you think about it enough. Your comment here:

    "I've seen for sale posts were seller says he has the right to refuse to sell to whomever he chooses"

    Makes it all clear to me and is how I feel. I will include this in every sale and then the uncertainty is left to me the seller. Thanks for this suggestion. It solves the problem for me so I am happy.


  4. #34


    Yes thank u I did do a quick intro and filled profile out thanks for sticking up for me and also did explain that pictures would be available upon request as I couldn't figure how to post them. Thanks for sticking up for the new guy. Also am sorry for any inconvenience that this sale has caused to anyone. I apologize. Looking forward to becoming a well known buyer, seller, and trader of the dalton forum

  5. Default

    I thank the mods for running a tight ship. That's why I like doing business here. I've made mistakes in the past out of ignorance and gotten an earful from mods. Just took it as a learning experience and not make the same mistake again.
    I've disabled private messaging but please feel free to message me via email as listed on my profile page.

  6. #36


    We have enough Forum rules IMHO. However, I have been in the knife collecting business for more years that I care to admit. I hold my integrity and my credibility in the highest regard. As such, here are my rules:

    Post pics, describe knife accurately, state payment method(s), shipping and any other special conditions and or restrictions. Include in your post, "First I'll Take It" gets the knife. Asking questions, sending PMs, and emails, all take second place. Doing business this way insures one thing for me, I will never have the problem we have been discussing in this thread and my integrity and credibility are beyond reproach. I hope my advice is of some value...Al

  7. #37



    Thanks for actually ANSWERING my questions which was purpose of my post. It was not to bash MODs which have nothing to with this. This would have been my answer as well and was the exact point of my questions to point out WITHOUT this rule we have no rules!


    1) A posted "I'll take it" needs to be #1 no questions asked, PERIOD. End of story
    2) Anything else should be decided by the SELLER.


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