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Thread: Newbie Introduction

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Southern California

    Default Newbie Introduction

    HI - I'm "SGStandard", but my name is Hobie. I am a USMC Vietnam veteran, and consider Rob Dalton to be the epitome of American entrepreneurial spirit and ingenuity. If you can't find a Dalton you like, then you don't like knives!! Looking forward to spending time on this fine forum!! I sell some things on E-bay, but not too many knives. My name is "Atticaacn" on e-bay, and my feedback is 100%, for those of you I may eventually deal with. My favorite Dalton is my #5 TI Tanto. I have a Devil's Talon, but it's in the drawer being punished, and no TV, for accidentally stabbing my hand (don't ask). Bad knife!! Bad knife!! Best Regards, Hobie

  2. #2

    Default welcome

    welcome hobie i think you will dig it around here..bunch of good people around here with lots of dalton history and facts...oh and you posted in the member for sale forum instead of..... I'm A Nobody! Who Are You? .....but im sure someone will help out...see you around


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Southern California

    Default Newbie Introduction

    "SGStandard" reporting for duty!! I'm a USMC Vietnam veteran who rarely met a knife he didn't like. I'm a mail clerk in medical now, and they don't care if I go on the Dalton Forum as long as I do my job. Yes-s-s-ss!!! I have 2 dogs, an American Bulldog and a pitbull, both rescues, and I love them even more than my Daltons!! I sell on E-bay under "Atticaacn" and I have a 100% rating, so I'm squared away. My 1st Dalton is a Mini-Rung-Sat (BTW, "Rung-Sat" is a Vietnamese mangrove forest where the VC liked to hide out. The 240th Helicopter Company dealt with THEM!) The Mini Rung Sat is the best small auto made, IMO. I lost my 07Militia recurve, and I'm too embarrassed to even tell the story. Also a Devil's Talon, a Minuteman, an all-red Tiger I, and a #5 TI Tanto I just got (My favorite!) I will post pics very soon in "Discussion Forum". I'm an artist and craftsman, and IMO Rob Dalton is a genius, who unlike most artists or manufacturers, creates objects that don't all look like the same person made them. When you factor in the sheer numbers of different models, their varieties, their limited numbers, innovative quality, and ergonomic function, they're a tough act to follow. I traded almost my entire knife collection for a handful of Daltons!! pS: Check out the milled taper on the aluminum frame on the Devil's Talon, for added slimness. Then, notice how perfectly it fits in your hand. Interestingly, the Devil's Talon appears to be the same knife as the Hell's Gate, but with a different name on the blade!! Yeah-h-h - Daltons are cool!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Where rivers burn


    Great intro, welcome to the sickness. Look forward to seeing some pics. ILK

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Southern California

    Default New

    Thanks!! - Should I post pics here, or on the Discussion site, or doesn't it matter?

  6. #6


    Welcome to the sick & twisted.. we need some new blood around here.
    " It's not big around, but it's short !"

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Stump Jumpin' in SJ

    Default SGStandard

    Welcome to ... Sounds like you are already very knowledgeable about Dalton knives. It's great to have you here and Thank You for being a vet. Enjoy your time here and post away, and we love pics too.

    Don't put your finger where you wouldn't put your face!!!

    If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by SGStandard View Post
    Thanks!! - Should I post pics here, or on the Discussion site, or doesn't it matter?

    Welcome aboard!!!

    Post your pics in the Dalton Picture Gallery...Al

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Southern California

    Default Posts

    Thanks - Will do.

  10. Default

    Hello Hobie nice to meet you. I want to thank you for your service as well.
    I think you have great taste in knives and found the right place.


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