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Thread: Moficky/Dave/Returned Money

  1. #51
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Tumbling off Grovers Cliff...


    Nice work MWoody
    I agree...that dude has had a rough enough time, he should be allowed back.

    This is one for the Mods though, wait is he even banned?

  2. #52


    The four Mods have been discussing this subject for a few days now. We are split on how to handle this. Dave broke every rule in the book. Even before his knife fiasco he was on the edge with his crazy and sometimes offensive posts. He had more warnings then all the other members combined.

    He can be an interesting and very intelligent guy, however the downside is a major problem. Once he's back, we don't want to go through this again, so the jury is still deliberating. ...Al

  3. #53
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    up in the hills down in the hollar


    If it matters. I say get Dave "Mo" back on here. I wasn't involved in the knife deal gone bad but I followed it and as bad as it got, it seems that everyone eventually got something. Either their knife, or refund, etc. I understand the grief it caused and the people involved were alot more patient than I could have been. But I have also seen the pain and the unfinished business that pain can leave. Everyone who is into Daltons, and especially the collectors have got to know that Dave loved his Daltons and his fellow collectors. He has offered sound advice in the past to new owners wanting to get into collecting. I have no idea what his health/problems were about, but life is so fragile sometimes its easy for me to take it for granted that I will be here forever no matter what.
    Personally, I hope that Dave is doing better as I know all of you do. Hopefully his health is improving and he can get back to something that gives him pleasure. I'm not much on second chances myself, but I think in this case it might be the right thing to do.

  4. #54


    I wondered if Dave ever made good on his deals, I noticed on the Dalton website that he passed away 10/30. He had one hell of a collection, never caused me any problems, we traded and sold daltons on occasions and always hated to hear how some deals went bad. I assume his daughter is trying to figure out what to do with all of them, it's hard to say how many he still has.


  5. Default

    I did Not know he passed away. Sorry to hear that RIP Dave..
    " It's not big around, but it's short !"

  6. #56


    Quote Originally Posted by daltonsonly View Post
    I wondered if Dave ever made good on his deals, I noticed on the Dalton website that he passed away 10/30. He had one hell of a collection, never caused me any problems, we traded and sold daltons on occasions and always hated to hear how some deals went bad. I assume his daughter is trying to figure out what to do with all of them, it's hard to say how many he still has.

    I believe Dave squared away all his deals. Hopefully, he is in a better place...Al

  7. #57
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Where rivers burn


    Dave lived and loved Daltons like no other. It was sad to see him slip away just on the forums. I can't imagine what his family went threw. I hope he didn't suffer too much. I still have some of his do-dads. I'm sure he had one of the top 5 collections at one time. RIP Moficky. ILK

  8. #58
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Stump Jumpin' in SJ


    Rest in peace Dave. It's sad to lose a fellow Dalton brother.

    Don't put your finger where you wouldn't put your face!!!

    If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.

  9. #59


    He made good with me. I was hoping he would make a come back. Sorry to hear he passed away.

    Quote Originally Posted by Honch0 View Post
    I believe Dave squared away all his deals. Hopefully, he is in a better place...Al

  10. #60


    rest in peace and bless his family

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