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Thread: Moficky - Dave

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Tumbling off Grovers Cliff...


    The weirdest thing about all this drama is that Moficky lived & breathed daltons...i just dont see him throwing away his ties to this forum over some $$. But drugs can leave your brain royally fubar'd, so only time will tell.

    I see him either falling off the face of tye earth, or popping back up to make things right. I hope its the latter, if so, i got dibs on the ftw scalper Mo~~!

    Hope it works out for all involved...

  2. Default

    Well, I just got back from Post Office. I filed the form to see if the M.O. was cashed or not. I will know in 2 weeks or less they said. Damn, i really wanted this knife...
    " It's not big around, but it's short !"

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    New York


    I also went to the post office today and did the same. Let's hope a refund comes back and not a copy of a cashed money order. I would rather have the knives to, but I think everyone is better off buying from another source.

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    East Coast- Carolina Boarders


    I just hate to hear this story! It's a sad deal. The knives are one thing and his health is another, but I for one got lucky and backed out. Hope it goes well for each of you. At least some will get their money back and then Dave will have to live with what he has done for the rest of his life.

    I have been on the strongest drugs known to man for pain and after surgeries, but have NEVER took a dime and NEVER will. Drugs can be strong, but they only last for a while in the system. This has been going on forever here about the knives and the drugs have little to do with this. Just my two cents....

  5. #45

    Smile Re: Dave

    W/ all due respect, I remember early on thinking you guys were naive & gullible here, cutting him way too much slack & being taken for a ride. Then, I thought, hey, these guys aren't stupid by any means, they know Dave from way back, have dealt w/ him & have a lot of heart & just want to give him the benefit of the doubt. Even as far as driving all the way to his place & helping him out. That's boucoup commendable & I applaud you all. I callled him last yr. inquiring about a knife & he seemed like the nicest guy. I wished he & his mother the best. To sum this up & sorry for beating a dead horse, I too wish him the best but things are obviously not kosher now so it's plainly time to move on. Things change, people change, circumstances change, what can you do? I feel bad for those of you who are out $. It sucks! Just a new guys perspective. You guys are veterans & wise so this ain't nothing new. Anyhow, wish everyone good luck w/ their future collecting & all else.

  6. #46

    Default Mo No Mo?

    Rather unfortunate for all involved. Hate to see this devolution. Mo hope all works out with the concentration issues. I've heard a mite pinch o' the speed will kick in higher brain function - just 'splain to the Doc said issue & mayhap he'll rig you up a little taste (just a little now, I've heard it can be mighty habit forming). The wife's riddled with A.D.D. and when she starts getting a bit lackadaisical I slip in a couple extra for her. You'd be amazed at the spike in production levels.

    Just a thought,

    Carry on.

    Might not know a thing or 3.

  7. #47


    Quote Originally Posted by Mwoody View Post
    I also went to the post office today and did the same. Let's hope a refund comes back and not a copy of a cashed money order. I would rather have the knives to, but I think everyone is better off buying from another source.
    Mike, you can call the post office and give them the M.O. number and they can tell you if its been cashed. The number is 866-974-2733. This has been a sad experiance in so many ways.
    and the road goes on forever.....

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