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Thread: Guesting Mystery

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  1. #1

    Default Guesting Mystery

    This Forum often has 100 or so guests that can only view a very small percentage of the available content, simply because they haven't actually joined the Forum. I don't understand why folks that are obviously interested in Dalton knives would limit their ability to take advantage of the full Dalton Forum content.

    While these introduction posts have relevance to members, why we have 20 to 50 guests reading intros is actually strange to me, given that there is zero Dalton knife content here.

    I would love to hear from any guests that could enlighten me as to the fascinating aspects of "guesting" but that would require being able to post and guests can't post so the "guesting mystery" will likely remain unsolved, give it a shot, introduce yourself and start a conversation. We all can benefit from additional Dalton Forum members and the interest in collecting knives you bring...Al
    Last edited by Honch0; 06-09-2023 at 01:46 AM.

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