View Full Version : Irish Whiskey

01-31-2020, 06:55 PM
So an Irishman was walking down the beach when all of a sudden he came across a bottle. He picked it up, rubbed it & POOF out flew a genie! The genie granted the Irishman one wish. His wish was to pee Irish Whiskey. The genie waved his arm & it was done. The Irishman went home to his wife, took 2 glasses from the cupboard & proceeded to piss in them. His wife, seated at the kitchen table, asked him what the hell??? He told her he could piss Irish Whiskey & for her to join him in a drink. She couldn’t believe it but bottoms-up. The wife was completely but pleasantly surprised. This went on for several days until the Irishman came home one day & didn’t take out any glasses. His wife asked him what the problem was? He told her, “tonight you’re drinking out of the bottle.”

01-31-2020, 07:20 PM
Yea Baby !