View Full Version : Excellent Movie

01-06-2018, 01:48 PM
Catch this if you can, guys:


01-07-2018, 01:45 AM
Looks intense. Shoot...I think Id be the same way if in my shoes god forbid. Might have to see it. Good night, Peter

01-07-2018, 10:12 PM
Just got out of theater and it's a good movie. I'm not much on public gatherings for obvious reasons but we sat in the back and I could profile everybody coming in. I'm bad about that. Anyway a good movie. Thanks for the heads up.

01-08-2018, 05:21 AM
Just saw on the news that Francis McDermitt (SP?) won a Golden Globe for Best Actress in & since they are a good indication of who & what w/ win Oscars, hopefully she w/. Powerhouse performance. Woody Harrelsin was good, as always & the actor who played Dickson was outstanding. I forget his name.
I rarely go to the movies anymore. Why when I can stream @ home?