View Full Version : My dilemma

10-20-2016, 06:40 PM
My Dilemma ?

I used to think I was just a regular guy, but… I was born white, which now, whether I like it or not, makes me a racist. I am a fiscal and moral conservative, which by today’s standards, makes me a fascist. I am heterosexual, which according to gay folks, now makes me a homophobe. I am non-union, which makes me a traitor to the working class and an ally of big business. I am a Christian, which now labels me as an infidel. I believe in the 2nd Amendment, which now makes me a member of the vast gun lobby. I am old and retired, which makes me a useless old man. I think and I reason, therefore I doubt much that the main stream media tells me, which must make me a reactionary. I am proud of my heritage and our inclusive American culture, which makes me a xenophobe. I value my safety and that of my family and I appreciate the police and the legal system, which makes me a right-wing extremist. I believe in hard work, fair play, and fair compensation according to each individual's merits, which today makes me an anti-socialist. I (and most of the folks I know), acquired a fair education without student loans (it’s called work) and no debt at graduation, which makes me some kind of an odd underachiever. I believe in the defense and protection of the homeland for and by all citizens, which now makes me a militant. Please help me come to terms with the new me… because I‘m just not sure who I am anymore! I would like to thank all my friends for sticking with me through these abrupt, new found changes in my life and my thinking! I just can’t imagine or understand what’s happened to me so quickly!
Funny…it’s all just taken place over the last 7 or 8 years! As if all this stuff wasn’t enough to deal with…I’m now afraid to go into either restroom!

10-20-2016, 07:30 PM
...Amen brother!
I just decided to accept the labels and go on living my life.


Racist, fascist, homophobic , infidel, gun nut, reactionary, right-wing extremist , misogynist, militant old man isn't necessarily synonymous with,...


10-20-2016, 08:19 PM
To me it sounds like we might of had the same up bringing and parents that gave use are morels and common sense! Which is sadly missing no days!!
Basically you are why America was founded in the First place! Stay being a Proud Patriot my Friend. We are in the minority.
Regards, Ted........................

10-21-2016, 08:17 AM
Political Correctness is a doctrine, recently fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and promoted by a sick mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a piece of shit by the clean end! Ha!

10-21-2016, 08:22 AM
Political Correctness is a doctrine, recently fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and promoted by a sick mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a piece of shit by clean end! Ha!
This is very true.

10-21-2016, 08:36 AM
Political Correctness is a doctrine, recently fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and promoted by a sick mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a piece of shit by clean end! Ha!

You are so right, it's a crime what is happening to our country.

10-21-2016, 04:47 PM
Well said Ed, I sometimes wish I'd been born about 30 years earlier than I was. Seeing the constant degradation of this Country's morals, beliefs and actions makes me real sad. I just hope that It won't come to bloodshed soon.

10-22-2016, 11:46 AM
Libtards (Liberal Retards) to blame. Asshole politicians too, of course, but obviously they need the Libtards votes. It's FUBAR. Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition.