View Full Version : Just another fish story...

09-10-2016, 12:04 PM
Just another fish story....
The game warden spots Joe walking down the road with an ice chest. He pulls over, looks in the ice chest, and sees 5 or 6 trout. "Can I see your fishin' license, please?" asks the warden.

"I ain't been fishin'" says Joe. "Then what do you call them?" the warden asks, pointing to the trout. Joe answers, "Them's my pet trout. I keep them in a trough alongside the barn., Once every two weeks or so, I take them down to the pond and let them swim around. After awhile, I call them back, they git in the ice chest, and I take them home."

"You expect me to believe that story?" asks the warden. "Follow me - I'll show you", says Joe as he heads back to the pond. They walk up to the edge of the water, Joe open the lid, and tips the ice chest on it's side so the trout can get in the pond. He puts the lid back on,, sits down, and lights his pipe. After about 10 minutes, the warden asks, "So, when are you going to call the fish back?"

Joe looks at him, smiles, and says, "What fish?"

09-10-2016, 06:11 PM
Great one! "What fish" LOL.laugh2