View Full Version : 1st Run Dalton Cupid For Sale

06-25-2013, 01:24 PM
12) Before you sell or buy a knife on this forum, please make an introduction post. Let your fellow forum members know where you have been, other forums, ebay etc. Also, please make sure your profile includes your email address.

13) Your post may be deleted without warning if you don't follow these basic rules.

Post a proper introduction, otherwise your sale will be deleted again...Thx...Al

06-25-2013, 02:45 PM
Keep negative comments to yourself please...Al

06-25-2013, 06:08 PM
As per the rules of this website, and specifically the sales thread you are required to make an introduction before posting here. Here are rules 12 and 13 forgot.

12) Before you sell or buy a knife on this forum, please make an introduction post. Let your fellow forum members know where you have been, other forums, ebay etc. Also, please make sure your profile includes your email address.

13) Your post may be deleted without warning if you don't follow these basic rules.

It seems as though you ignored the rules when you made your first post to purchase a Cupid here back in 2009, and now you ignore them again almost four years later? What gives? Crazy Fool %^