View Full Version : what a shame
12-15-2012, 12:48 AM
what a shame we have cowards among us like the POS who goes to a grade school and murders inocent people and children like what happened today in prayers to all the family and people who lost loved ones today especially so close to the holidays
12-15-2012, 01:15 AM
Sick dude. Who would kill their own mother? Then kids? I can't even imagine what those parents must be going through...Al
12-15-2012, 07:14 AM
No doubt one of the worst things I have heard of in a long, long time. The pain the families must be feeling is beyond words. I sure have them all in my prayers.
To make this even worse, it's right here at Christmas and you know the parents and the children were really looking forward to that day, that we all love dearly. What a tragic happening. No words to describe it really!!
12-15-2012, 04:13 PM
Although the VT shooting saw more victims, given the age of most of the Newtown victims, Id opine that this is the worst school massacre of our lifetime. I grew up 2 towns away, my father & I both worked in Newtown. My aunt & 2nd cousins, including a 6 yr old (all r OK) still live there. Its even more surreal when it hits so close to where you grew up & lived for 20+ yrs. Tragic
Its also sad to see politicians & our leftist media spin this into a 2A issue. The killer's mother was a lifelong gun enthusiast, who frequently took her kids target shooting, & her own firearms were apparently taken & used against her by her mentally ill son. Short of a complete firearms ban, idk what "gun control" measures could prevent something like this? With very strict gun laws already in place in CT, its staggering to me how aggressively people are already pushing this issue. Unfort in America; guns, violence & culture all get thrown into the same stew, when in fact they are 3 wholly separate ingredients.
12-15-2012, 05:34 PM
It is truely very sad day . I pray for the children who saw it all , parents of dead, the teachers everyone there.
on a side note, I am not a Obama fan, but when he spoke out yesterday I could feel his pain too.
12-15-2012, 06:59 PM
Incredibly sad. Been thinking about it all weekend. I don't care how deranged, mentally Ill or sick the scumbag shooter was, what demons were in his head or what issues/problems he had; screw him! How in the hell could anyone do something like that? We're at the end of the road, folks, as far as bad goes. This takes the cake obviously. I don't know what, if anything, can ever be done to stop these shootings? Imagine being the shooter's father? He better go & crawl in a hole some where & never come out. I had my granddaughters out last night & watching the one play, felt almost guilty that mine were fine. Some world we live in. I feel so bad for the victims families. When the authorities told the remaining parents in the fire house that there were no more kids to reunite, I couldn't imagine their anguish. One of the priests there said some threw themselves on the ground. One mother received a ph. call about her son's Boy Scout mtg. which he wouldn't be making now! Just unbelievable.
12-15-2012, 10:32 PM
Just incredibly horrible. There just seems to be no deterent for criminal offenses anymore. My wife and I are history buffs and she asked me when did the criminal justice system get screwed up? Here answer was "when women started voting'. Before then criminals were executed for their henious crimes. Seemd the USA could use a little better (faster) way of dealing with the out and out criminals. Like immediate execution. Ed B
12-16-2012, 10:56 PM
I feel horrible for the families and victims too.
I couldn't have said this better myself, I read this on a firearms forums; someone who was also passing this reaction along.
"You want to know why. This may sound cynical, but here's why.
It's because of the way the media reports it. Flip on the news and watch how we treat the Batman theater shooter and the Oregon mall shooter like celebrities. Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris are household names, but do you know the name of a single *victim* of Columbine? Disturbed
people who would otherwise just off themselves in their basements see the news and want to top it by doing something worse, and going out in a memorable way. Why a grade school? Why children? Because he'll be remembered as a horrible monster, instead of a sad nobody.
CNN's article says that if the body count "holds up", this will rank as the second deadliest shooting behind Virginia Tech, as if statistics somehow make one shooting worse than another. Then they post a video interview of third-graders for all the details of what they saw and heard while the shootings were happening. Fox News has plastered the killer's face on all their reports for hours. Any articles or news stories yet that focus on the victims and ignore the killer's identity? None that I've seen yet. Because they don't sell. So congratulations, sensationalist media, you've just lit the fire for someone to top this and knock off a day care center or a maternity ward next.
You can help by forgetting you ever read this man's name, and remembering the name of at least one victim. You can help by donating to mental health research instead of pointing to gun control as the problem. You can help by turning off the news."
That said, mental health issues have been around for as long as time. There was a long time in the 80's and 90's news talked about an alarming rate of teens who were committing suicide and then even group suicides. I'm sure that problem has not changed. Japan has always had the same problem with young adults, but now also effecting the very young.
All of these shootings are isolated unique situations and part of our life we live in a free safe society and should not be treated as anything else or let our emotions cause us to react irrationally to parley against our freedom.
12-16-2012, 11:55 PM
Kiss your non law enforcement AR high capacity mags goodby. That's what will come of these mass shootings at the very least. The logic is not even debatable. Non-gun owners have had enough. They want something done, arguments are irrelevant.
We all know, guns don't kill people, people do. Unfortunately, people fear guns, especially ones that people can use to kill people in high numbers. Again, my opinion is not expressed here as to this issue, just stating what the likely fall out will be. Personally, I am sickened with this entire mess. Had one person secured her weapons properly, perhaps this tragedy could have been avoided. One life is worth more than all the guns in the world. Carelessness involving any aspect of firearms, be it selling them to nut jobs or anyone without a background check, or leaving them accessible without proper security just sickens me to no end. I have seen too much of this.
All of these shootings are isolated unique situations and part of our life we live in a free safe society and should not be treated as anything else or let our emotions cause us to react irrationally to parley against our freedom. Aaron - This is pretty tough to swallow, god forbid you have a loss in your circle of friends and repeat that statement. Your kid is dead, just the cost of doing business...Al
12-17-2012, 12:57 PM
In New Jersey we already can't have any mags larger than 10 rds. which is fine. But hi-cap mag bans w/ be the least of it after this. We're talking AR's themselves, AK variants, SKS's, anything resembling an "assault rifle." The ATF&E w/ now get to ban shotguns w/ pistol grips & "evil features" & imported ones like they want. We're gonna see major changes.
Mail order ammo. Maybe for the best? I don't know? I just think these psychos w/ get guns regardless & they can't ban all guns. They can do a lot of damage w/ handguns alone. I do know that if giving up all my guns would bring back just one of those precious little kids, I'd do it in a heartbeat. Any of us would. What a depressing event.
12-17-2012, 07:38 PM
Non-gun owners have had enough. They want something done, arguments are irrelevant.
& some of the name-sake left-wing politicians, whose end-goal is clearly to completely remove private gun-ownership, have seized upon the opportunity this tragedy has created for them to attempt just that. & because they can't see the forest for the trees, their solutions will probably fail us.
Had one person secured her weapons properly, perhaps this tragedy could have been avoided...Carelessness involving any aspect of firearms, be it selling them to nut jobs or anyone without a background check, or leaving them accessible without proper security just sickens me to no end.
100% agree. I should have added that (about the mother's lack of gun security) it my origin post, but I left it off for whatever reason. Irresponsible gun ownership is the biggest problem pro-2A'rs face in this argument. Allowing a mentally unstable person access to firearms and/or firearm training is unacceptable on every level. This proves it cannot be allowed. In addition to the Assault Weapons Ban being reenacted (that will happen by Summer '13, & has never been rescinded at the state level here in MA, and elsewhere too), we will see additional legislature written into existing laws that either forbids and/or heavily micromanages firearm owners with chemical dependents, criminals, and/or the mentally ill in their households. As well it should. If it means home inspections by police or ATF agents for this microcosm of the gun ownership world, that's the price they will have to pay to insure that innocent people will not fall victim to these types of gun owner's (potential) reckless endangerment.
I also think police should be able to ask for your ID if you are open carrying, without being allowed to search or detain you (currently not the case in many states). If I open carry in say, NH, why should I care if a police officers checks my ID quickly, to insure I'm not some wanted criminal, etc? There's a large gray area in between too much freedom & too much policing, but having laws on the books that put the public in potential jeopardy, just to appease gun owners, doesn't make sense to me. & I'm pro-2A, pro-open carry, pro-everything about firearms, except unsafe practices and legislation. & I know that not everyone agrees on these various bullet-points, but if it comes down to jumping through some extra hoops and keeping our 2A rights, or having our guns removed in house-to-house seizures like they did in the UK, I'm ready for some damn hoop-jumping!
All of these shootings are isolated unique situations and part of our life
Disagree. They are the by-products of systemic failures that must be corrected. We cannot adopt the "shit happens, oh well" philosophy. There is a happy medium we can (& will) find, where safe gun ownership is allowed & practiced. Where non-gun owners neither feel threatened, nor get subjugated to, gun-related violence due to firearm mismanagement. OK, maybe that's a pipe dream, let me remove my rose-colored glasses: We will never completely stop gun violence, murder, etc, but we can surely make some positive steps in the right direction. Adopting an "oh, well" attitude is not going to get us there anytime soon.
12-17-2012, 11:15 PM
Well said Corjzg! I don't think an acceptable medium is going to happen. We're going to lose a lot.
12-18-2012, 10:54 PM
All of these shootings are isolated unique situations and part of our life we live in a free safe society and should not be treated as anything else or let our emotions cause us to react irrationally to parley against our freedom. Aaron - This is pretty tough to swallow, god forbid you have a loss in your circle of friends and repeat that statement. Your kid is dead, just the cost of doing business...Al[/QUOTE]
Just a rebute and not a personal attack.
Yes it would be horrible if this happened to my family or friends or any one else's. However maybe my words were to short and not as well assembled to convey the obvious points. I started my posting with an affirmation of condolence and regret just to point that out Al, thats what I would have told the family. I also feel you do the crime to do the time. And Al I am qualified to wire up an electric chair and had that M**F** lived I would be the first to volunteer to through the switch. Make no mistake how I feel.
These abominated shootings ARE isolated instances.
You as anyone knows best that crime has always been with us and will never end. If not so, there would be no need for the police force. Hence my sub-phrase it is "part of our life we live". Actually things like this happen all over the world, not just in our free safe society. Have you heard about the young college student in China on a campus that brandished a sword on a mercy killing spree about 30 dead? Not in the news?
I'll also note the criminal Maldove sniper shootings in DC area. Everyone had heard that an AR15 firearm was used, however they were single shots taken no different in use to a bolt action hunting riffle. One of those incidents across our region happened miles from were I lived. It became part of our life, it just happened. I would not have been ready to give up any of my freedoms and rights then and not now.
Are these few shootings the only incidents of nut jobs trying to hurt mass innocent men women and children? The answer is No. About four months ago a nut job's plot was luckily foiled and was caught when he had attempted to fire bomb a mall and food court. He had molotov style jars laid out on the upper levels and the first thrown did not ignite. Refference -- " Ballston Common fire bomber."
They should not be treated as anything other than isolated instances but they will continue to rarely happen no matter what attempts are taken to ban this or that. Something will happen some other way. That is life.
This relates to the outlook :::
I still stand by my belief that we should not let our knee jerk reaction "emotions" cause us to react irrationally to go on a witch hunt banning this and that. The end result will be it did not work and that "something is still happening in isolated incidents".
Meanwhile, millions of law abiding citizens pursue their shooting sports the way they freely see fit to go about their own private business, proudly and with conviction proven with safe record; are to be drugged down to the level of criminal to safeguard their rights and pursuit of freedom.
Freedom has its price, firearm related or not. Let us not forget all those thousands of Americans who have fought and lost their lives for it.
I stand by liberty. Liberty stands by me.
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