View Full Version : Moficky - Dave

01-05-2012, 11:13 PM
Sorry to have posted this but I feel it is important. This seems like the best place. I have spoken to Dave today. He has his humor intact but he didn't sound good. It makes me crack a tear to say this but Dave's plight is going down hill in a whole bad way. He wants to maintain that he is not going to rip anyone off and is promissing to send the knives out. With that said he still has not done so. And I know why. Appearently his feet/ legs vascular wise he cant stand. On top of that the other two major issues are also impailing him, one of those being chemo. I fear his time here on earth are numbered and coming to a close, living day by day.

He has no internet and tomarrow his electricity is getting turned off. With the cold up there its breaking my heart. I would imagine he will no longer be able to charge up his phone and I will loose touch with him.

I asked if he has tried to get meals on wheels and he said he has gone down that road already and they aren't coming.

He still wants to sell his knives to pay hospital bills. I dont know how this would work right now.

There is one message he wanted me to pass on to everyone expecting knives shipped. He has everyone's money order, some money orders he received for knives that were not for sale or people read the post wrong or something. Some money orders were from other people outside of this forum. He said he has to return those wrong mistaken money orders back. He wanted to point out that he had not cashed any of those money orders yet, so he wasn't trying to rip anyone off. But he said if anyone wants to get their money back they can cancell the money orders on him.

At this point I'm thinking even running a raffle for Dave is not going to be able to help him out in his situation without a local assistant.

I'm in no condition to drive long distance myself recovering from surgery. Dave needs help and I dont know what to do for him. Any ideas ?


01-06-2012, 02:01 AM
where does he live? thought i remember reading it was PA somewhere?
maybe some regulars are within driving distance and can make a weekend road trip?

& what kind of hospital releases a cancer patient out into the world with no food or way to take care of themselves? something isnt right here imo

i will help anyway i can

01-06-2012, 06:51 PM
where does he live? thought i remember reading it was PA somewhere?
maybe some regulars are within driving distance and can make a weekend road trip?

& what kind of hospital releases a cancer patient out into the world with no food or way to take care of themselves? something isnt right here imo

i will help anyway i can

For starters our local hospital will. I had a good friend that had the Big C in his brain and they sent him home. Never even as much tried to help him due to him not having Insurance. Talking about ticked, I was!! He is no longer with us neither, but that's been years ago.

Hate to hear this about Dave and I also will do anything in my power to help the cause. I don't really know Dave all that well, but I feel as when something as this happens to a good dude, that we ALL should do what we can. Just let me know if I can help out any! I will do my best!! MITUSA

01-06-2012, 07:58 PM
That really sucks. Not something I'd wish on anyone. Will be thinking about you, Mofo.

01-06-2012, 11:23 PM
I have to say that I really don't know what is going on because the story just doesn't seem consistent. I just spent the last 40 minutes on the phone with Dave before getting cut off when his phone went dead. I have offered to dive 4-1/2 hours down to PA tomorrow, get everyone's knives out in the mail for him and asked if there was anything else I could do that would help him out. He declined this offer and said did not remember what knives he owed me. His speech was slurred but conversation was clear and spirits were good. He said he was home now after spending the past week in a nursing home? It sounds like a nurse is looking after him and had just left him. He asked that everyone be patient because he is currently depending on strangers (nurses). I asked if he was able to get around and he told me that he tried to walk into town yesterday but made it less than 100 yards before falling in the snow. I think he is coming around and does not want to screw anyone but worry that he did not keep track of what he owes everyone. He believes that he has received money orders for knives that he did not post and does not own. I think that everyone that has sent him money will need to remind him of what they are waiting for when he get back on the forum. He said that he is in the process of getting his internet back on and plans to post more of his collection. I don't think that I need to tell everyone that this should not be taken seriously until he settles up on his current obligations. I am going to try to keep in daily contact with him and will offer update on any new news.

01-07-2012, 12:17 AM
Yes Dave mentioned the nursing home, but when I asked if there was anyone who could help him, he said no. If he has a nurse making house calls then that is a far cry from being isolated and without food. He said the power was getting shut off tomarrow, maybe the nurse is medically interviening. I hope so. Did he mention that?
He also said there was alot of snow and if you have problems standing I cant see even walking ten blocks, but it does sound like if Dave got out there and really tried to walk to town in the snow with wabbly feet then it just proves he is crazzy. I think he is convicted to get those knives out, I just dont see how. There is also come confussion over the knives like you said.

I also got the feeling Dave was not going to take any help even if I found some way to make some local calls for him. So what do you do?

MWOODY that was really good of you to extend that level of help. Somehow I would have expected he would turn it down.
If he is getting some minimal help then maybe there is less of a severe crissis. He has the right spirt, lets all hope his functions come back.


01-07-2012, 11:15 AM
Mo was kind enough to send me an e-mail to let me know that the knife I was interested in was one of the ones that were stolen,good man.

01-08-2012, 10:24 AM
I wonder where his daughter is? He told me a while back that he was selling his knives to pay Med bills & leave something for his daughter? I wish she would get in there and help him out????

01-08-2012, 05:53 PM
Herd that she lives in Florida. Not sure what the relationship is like?

01-09-2012, 07:06 PM
Mo was kind enough to send me an e-mail to let me know that the knife I was interested in was one of the ones that were stolen,good man.

Me as well.... Was wondering what had happened although I knew he was sick and hadn't been feeling well. I'm sure he will get all of this straight with what he owes and so on.

Just make sure any of you remind him when possible as he will reply when he can. At least he did with me, so this is a good sign for all I would think.MITUSA

01-11-2012, 11:21 PM
Rob spoke with Dave and he emailed me this:

Al Dave Harrison [Moficky] called today has been in hospital says he's working on shipping knives to people that bought
his internet is down but you can call with any questions @ 814-450-2236 he said he hopes to have this all finished by next week says you can post
if you like>

Just a messenger Rob

01-17-2012, 04:09 PM
Any updates on Mo Mo?

01-17-2012, 06:49 PM
I have called him at least once a day since 1/6 and have gone directly into his full voice mail every time.

01-19-2012, 02:30 PM
Has anyone actually gotten their knife / knives from this last sale Dave had?

01-19-2012, 03:02 PM
I just talked to Dave 1/19/12 @ 2:45. He sounds somewhat better but I really dont have any idea what is really going on. Again, he said that he will get everyones knives out early next week? He said that he appreceiats everyones patience and does not want to let anyone down. He claims to have not cashed any of the checks or money orders and will not do so until he gets the knives in the mail. I will say that I sent him a letter with a description of what he owes me, but today he was still unsure and needed to be reminded. I highly reccomend that anyone still waiting for knives that have been paid for send him a letter (his internet service is off) reminding him of what you have paid for. I sense that part of his frustration is not knowing who or what he owes.

He said that he has bigger issues than getting the knives out, but would try next week if he is physically capable. I'm still not confident that he know what he owes everyone, or if he will be capable of getting these to the post office. I do plan to continue calling every day until this has been put to bed. To my knowledge nobody has received anything from him since early December?

01-19-2012, 03:28 PM
Thanks for update . I for one appreciate it.

01-19-2012, 10:47 PM
he could be on heavy painkillers or still getting chemo, makes it tough to function. sucks

01-20-2012, 03:45 AM
I just talked to Dave 1/19/12 @ 2:45. He sounds somewhat better but I really dont have any idea what is really going on. Again, he said that he will get everyones knives out early next week? He said that he appreceiats everyones patience and does not want to let anyone down. He claims to have not cashed any of the checks or money orders and will not do so until he gets the knives in the mail. I will say that I sent him a letter with a description of what he owes me, but today he was still unsure and needed to be reminded. I highly reccomend that anyone still waiting for knives that have been paid for send him a letter (his internet service is off) reminding him of what you have paid for. I sense that part of his frustration is not knowing who or what he owes.

He said that he has bigger issues than getting the knives out, but would try next week if he is physically capable. I'm still not confident that he know what he owes everyone, or if he will be capable of getting these to the post office. I do plan to continue calling every day until this has been put to bed. To my knowledge nobody has received anything from him since early December?

I haven't received anything yet. I'm going to send Dave a little letter to remind him of what I bought and a copy of my cashed M.O. I feel bad for all he is going through healthwise......I also know how hard it can be to ask for or receive help when your use to doing things yourself. Hopefully he can get things squared away. Been pretty quiet around here without him.

01-20-2012, 05:49 PM
Pete, if you don't mind me asking how did you find out that the M.O. was cashed? Did you fill out that form at P.O.?

and Yes, it has been real quite around here without him!


01-20-2012, 08:24 PM
Thanks for update . I for one appreciate it.

And I appreciate the updates as well. I would like to get the knives I paid for but, at some point life (and health) become way more important than anything else. Hopefully Dave will pull through this extremely tough period in his life. He will at this point stay in my thoughts and prayers. Hang in there "Big Guy"! Ed B

01-28-2012, 02:53 PM
Dave, please come back & atleast post something so we can know your getting better. Just a quick Hi. or whatever . We miss having you around & it just isn't the same without you. Hope you atleast got some food, medicines, heat etc. Dont be afraid to ask for help. I am sure you would be amazed at how people would lend a hand out! Take care

01-29-2012, 09:55 AM
Dave, please come back & atleast post something so we can know your getting better. Just a quick Hi. or whatever . We miss having you around & it just isn't the same without you. Hope you atleast got some food, medicines, heat etc. Dont be afraid to ask for help. I am sure you would be amazed at how people would lend a hand out! Take care

I agree! Hope your getting the things you need. Take Care,


02-06-2012, 09:25 AM
Any news on Mo? I sent him a letter a week or so ago.

02-06-2012, 01:16 PM
Any news on Mo? I sent him a letter a week or so ago.

I too sent him a letter to remind him of the knife I purchased as suggested by another member. It has been over two months since I sent my money order payment and still nothing!!! I'll be the first to say, and I'm sure there are others, We got FUCKED!!!MITUSA

02-06-2012, 02:53 PM
I too sent him a letter to remind him of the knife I purchased as suggested by another member. It has been over two months since I sent my money order payment and still nothing!!! I'll be the first to say, and I'm sure there are others, We got FUCKED!!!MITUSA

Well, I thats what I am thinking too now!

02-06-2012, 03:00 PM
As a Noobie to the Forum, I have been closely following this thread.-- To be honest, It gives me pause.

I don't know "Moficky", But I can tell from the posts, he is somewhat of a folk hero here.

But think about it,-- You send off a M. O. ( Like sending cash ) to someone that you wouldn't know if you passed on the street. There is a level of trust involved here.-- I have done it numerous times myself. When you are In a position to handle possibly thousands of dollars, of other people's money, & you know there is a chance you could be incapacitated to the point of not completing the transactions, I think I would make provisions for a surrogate to intervene.----Just my opinion, Hope it doesn't offend.

02-06-2012, 03:16 PM
Well, I thats what I am thinking too now!

Go ahead and add me to the list.....Ed B

02-06-2012, 03:28 PM
I think I would make provisions for a surrogate to intervene.

I am curious in knowing what, who and how you would use this surrogate?

Dave and I agreed that he would accept my personal check for our transactions. So my surrogate was a "stop payment notice". I am interested in what other options you had in mind...Al

02-06-2012, 04:29 PM
According to Mr. Webster,--- "A "Surrogate" is deputizing another person to complete a specific role, or task."

Knowing that there were possible incapacitating events to occur, Have a designated friend, or associate either return the funds, or complete the "specific task" of shipping the knives. Stopping payment on checks, or tracing Money Order's would not be required.-- Even though it's not a big financial transaction, Certain responsibilities are required in the world I live in.

02-06-2012, 04:41 PM
According to Mr. Webster,--- "A "Surrogate" is deputizing another person to complete a specific role, or task."

Knowing that there were possible incapacitating events to occur, Have a designated friend, or associate either return the funds, or complete the "specific task" of shipping the knives. Stopping payment on checks, or tracing Money Order's would not be required.-- Even though it's not a big financial transaction, Certain responsibilities are required in the world I live in.

I've never canceled a MO but if Dave supposedly never cashed these MOs then why don't you all just cancel them? Is it more complicated than that?

02-06-2012, 05:46 PM
According to Mr. Webster,--- "A "Surrogate" is deputizing another person to complete a specific role, or task."

Knowing that there were possible incapacitating events to occur, Have a designated friend, or associate either return the funds, or complete the "specific task" of shipping the knives. Stopping payment on checks, or tracing Money Order's would not be required.-- Even though it's not a big financial transaction, Certain responsibilities are required in the world I live in.

Based on what you have posted, it appears that you would have handled things through having a friend or associate go to Dave's home and get your MO from him or have this person go to Dave's house and take the knives from Dave's home for shipping to you. You must live in a different world than I do. In my world, no matter what the circumstances, without a court order, you will not be welcome in my house and may get shot if you enter without my consent and refuse to leave. Dave may or may not be incapacitated. When he was well, he was a crazy dude. Read his posts. I would not assume anything.

Bottom line, I'll stick with the stop payment approach...Al

02-06-2012, 06:45 PM
Ok, here is my rant. I try to call Dave just about every day and do manage to get thru or get a return call about once a week. I'm into it for $600.00,and I have been waiting 8 weeks so a little persistence is due. I talked to Dave last Friday and the conversation did not go well. Every time I talk to him it is the same story. "I just came back from the Hospital yesterday and I'm going to send everyone's knives out next week". So this time I called him out on it and said every week you tell me you are sending them out and every week my mail box is empty. It's been 8 weeks of the same story, when are you going to send them out, are you physically unable, can I come down and help you out, tell me what is going on because I am loosing my patients. He told me that he does not welcome visitors, does not want or need help and acted very defensive about any unwelcome visit. He said that the medication he takes makes him loose concentration and he is unable to figure out what he owes everyone, and is not even sure if he still has all of the knives. One conversation he told me that the knives were in boxes ready to be mailed and this time he is not even sure what knives he still owns and cannot concentrate long enough to figure it out. I have to say, if you sent any money, your probably screwed. I'm sure he has some real problems but I do not get the impression that he is unable to function or get around. I hate to say it but I think that the knives are already gone or he has changed his mind on selling them.

02-06-2012, 09:39 PM
Based on what you have posted, it appears that you would have handled things through having a friend or associate go to Dave's home and get your MO from him or have this person go to Dave's house and take the knives from Dave's home for shipping to you. You must live in a different world than I do. In my world, no matter what the circumstances, without a court order, you will not be welcome in my house and may get shot if you enter without my consent and refuse to leave. Dave may or may not be incapacitated. When he was well, he was a crazy dude. Read his posts. I would not assume anything.

Bottom line, I'll stick with the stop payment approach...Al

Al,-- I think you misunderstood my post. I wouldn't have one of-- MY-- friends,or associates involved.
It is due diligence on the part of the seller to designate one of --HIS --friends,or associates to complete the transactions he instituted.
It is called an implied contract in business --If the buyer remits, It is the seller's responsibility to produce the items in question. I know we are talking small potato's here, but Business is Business.

02-06-2012, 09:56 PM
You are right, Dave should have made provisions given his circumstances. It would be great if we all did the right thing all the time. Imagine all the lawyers that would have to find real jobs.

Unfortunately, things don't always go right. Then you need a plan "B"...Al

02-07-2012, 02:48 PM
I've never canceled a MO but if Dave supposedly never cashed these MOs then why don't you all just cancel them? Is it more complicated than that?

I started the Money Order Inquiry on December 30th 2011 at my local Post Office. It is a very easy process and you need to bring the Customer's Receipt part of the money order to the Post Office to start the process and it costs $5.40. U.S. Postal Money Orders are not eligible for replacement/refund untill 60 days from date of issue. On Monday I received a letter from the Post Office with a refund check inside for the $200.00 I sent Moficky for a STC Two Tone with the bayonet blade on December 2nd 2011.
I would of rather had the knife than the money back but that's the way it goes and I'm done with this FOOL!!!

02-07-2012, 05:28 PM
Time for me to get my Ass down to the P.O. & apply ...and Snapper, who you callin a fool fool! lmao

02-07-2012, 07:23 PM
I sent Dave $160 for a Tiger 1 sometime in early to mid December, it's been so long I can't even remember when I sent it, and I haven't heard or received a thing. I haven't checked on the MO in a few weeks but when last I did, it hadn't been cashed. SInce this thing has devolved into such a mess, I'm just going to cut my losses and get out. I wish Dave the best but I have been more than patient. Not much more to say.


02-07-2012, 07:40 PM
mine has been cashed...........so i'll be out 480.00 if everything stays its course. I still have hope...I still pray, not for getting my knives, but for another who is sick and having to deal with major health issues alone.
Yeah, I still would like to have my knives or money back. I have done all I can do. I even have thought to sent him a send addressed and postage paid box, but Im not sure if he would use it.
So everyday I hope to see a box from him. But in the end it will be what it will be.

02-07-2012, 08:00 PM
He wasn't very friendly through email when he was selling off everything. I sent an inquiry asking him if he had any STC, ASP, and Militia Recons for sale. He replied with "Of Course".

So I emailed him again and said "Can you send me some details on the knives I asked about and some prices?" And he just ignored the email. After seeing some more sales get listed as successful, I emailed him again and asked for some details (color, blade type, etc) and price for the three knives. He responded "What are you looking for? I will see if I have it.."

I gave up then as it sounded a little strange. Glad I did as I never have seen issues of this magnitude before from one person.

02-08-2012, 08:06 AM
Hate to hear this. I traded, bought and sold with Dave and never any issues.... But this has been some time ago. He has always been crazy, so don't think that's anything new.....kk

02-08-2012, 01:06 PM
The weirdest thing about all this drama is that Moficky lived & breathed daltons...i just dont see him throwing away his ties to this forum over some $$. But drugs can leave your brain royally fubar'd, so only time will tell.

I see him either falling off the face of tye earth, or popping back up to make things right. I hope its the latter, if so, i got dibs on the ftw scalper Mo~~!

Hope it works out for all involved...

02-09-2012, 12:10 PM
Well, I just got back from Post Office. I filed the form to see if the M.O. was cashed or not. I will know in 2 weeks or less they said. Damn, i really wanted this knife...:confused:

02-09-2012, 12:34 PM
I also went to the post office today and did the same. Let's hope a refund comes back and not a copy of a cashed money order. I would rather have the knives to, but I think everyone is better off buying from another source.

02-09-2012, 05:36 PM
I just hate to hear this story! It's a sad deal. The knives are one thing and his health is another, but I for one got lucky and backed out. Hope it goes well for each of you. At least some will get their money back and then Dave will have to live with what he has done for the rest of his life.

I have been on the strongest drugs known to man for pain and after surgeries, but have NEVER took a dime and NEVER will. Drugs can be strong, but they only last for a while in the system. This has been going on forever here about the knives and the drugs have little to do with this. Just my two cents....MITUSA

02-11-2012, 11:34 AM
W/ all due respect, I remember early on thinking you guys were naive & gullible here, cutting him way too much slack & being taken for a ride. Then, I thought, hey, these guys aren't stupid by any means, they know Dave from way back, have dealt w/ him & have a lot of heart & just want to give him the benefit of the doubt. Even as far as driving all the way to his place & helping him out. That's boucoup commendable & I applaud you all. I callled him last yr. inquiring about a knife & he seemed like the nicest guy. I wished he & his mother the best. To sum this up & sorry for beating a dead horse, I too wish him the best but things are obviously not kosher now so it's plainly time to move on. Things change, people change, circumstances change, what can you do? I feel bad for those of you who are out $. It sucks! Just a new guys perspective. You guys are veterans & wise so this ain't nothing new. Anyhow, wish everyone good luck w/ their future collecting & all else.

02-11-2012, 11:50 AM
Rather unfortunate for all involved. Hate to see this devolution. Mo hope all works out with the concentration issues. I've heard a mite pinch o' the speed will kick in higher brain function - just 'splain to the Doc said issue & mayhap he'll rig you up a little taste (just a little now, I've heard it can be mighty habit forming). The wife's riddled with A.D.D. and when she starts getting a bit lackadaisical I slip in a couple extra for her. You'd be amazed at the spike in production levels.

Just a thought,

Carry on.


02-16-2012, 08:46 AM
I also went to the post office today and did the same. Let's hope a refund comes back and not a copy of a cashed money order. I would rather have the knives to, but I think everyone is better off buying from another source.

Mike, you can call the post office and give them the M.O. number and they can tell you if its been cashed. The number is 866-974-2733. This has been a sad experiance in so many ways.